A project designed to catalyze a definitive
global solution to the Crisis of Environment, Economy and Energy which guarantees climate security
Please contact me *1 for details
Project “raison d'être”
The Sixth Assessment Report of the19 March 2023 is
one of the repeated daily warnings
over many years of an urgent need to liberate Leaders and signatories to the
Paris Accord, from the increasingly dangerous notion that the constraints and
limitations of a globalized economic agenda, where profit and loss determine
the efficacy of an indirect,passive-reactive Global-Scale
Response… are
the only acceptable and effective means to deal with theexistential threat
of this Crisis as an Emergency …solely through the successful commoditization of
the solutions.
In other words, there is
an immediate need for Reformed Policies which are designed to guarantee climate
security by means/ mechanisms which empower Leaders to directly identify optimal solutions and respond pro-actively to quickly mobilize focused/ immediate/
global/ “Mission-scale”, coordinated actions which are moreproportionate to the scale of the reality
and urgency of this existential Crisis as an emergency.
Born in the
light of applied anticipatory and precautionary design principles and a
holistic, systems-based design approach, this multifaceted project provides
detailed bespoke solutions to 6 fundamental safety critical (Globally relevant)
concerns which are otherwise perilously ignored by the mainstream preoccupation
with market-determined solutions to the Crisis. That is to say, this project
provides solutions for those present policies which are deemed effective
because they are based solely on market mechanisms of delivery, but which are in
reality so slow as to increase rather than decrease the risk of catastrophe.
The Safety-Critical Concerns that this Project resolves are:
1) That time is running out
and without urgent reform, the free-market economic system cannot by itself
handle the radical and rapid global de-carbonization essential to preventing
the climate catastrophe has caused.
2) That one of several
significant shortcomings of using the neo-liberal market model to deliver
climate security, as an emergency, relates to the severity and extent of global
3) That proactive, globally
coordinated and managed, “Mission-Scale” mass mobilisation is the only way to
guarantee climate security in the short time remaining to implement a
definitive solution.
4) That Civil Order, the
Climate System & the Globalized Economic System are all three already
“fragile” and unstable entities which are chronically vulnerable by their nature
to exponential breakdown and loss of control; not the optimum “delivery tool”
& back-drop for the urgent and orderly, globally managed mobilisation which
the climate emergency necessitates.
5) That the transition to a
zero-carbon-based global economy offers an opportunity to pro-actively reform
those aspects of the neo-liberal market model which are not designed… or fit
for purpose to facilitate the rapid change otherwise needed for Humanity to
keep pace with the rate of climate system decay.
e) The
globalized model of market/ financial system must be pro-actively and urgently
reformed so that it enables our Species to comply and integrate its behaviours
with the strict laws of symbiosis that govern the balanced, sustainable,
self-regulating and self-sustaining Biosphere.
f) In
other words, our globalised socio-economic system must be reconfigured so that
it can quickly “evolve” to enable our Species to effortlessly match our needs-fulfilment
behaviours exactly so they conform with the symbiotic nature and Laws that govern the “mechanics” of Life
itself, in theory, and practice, in all our thoughts and consuming and
producing actions.
F) That the consequences of
the Covid Pandemic still offer exciting and wide-ranging opportunities from
which to learn and pro-actively reform those aspects of the neo-liberal market
model/ mechanisms whose inadequacies are the fundamental cause of the existential
Crisis of Environment, Energy and Economy, global injustice in all
its guises and the extent, severity and chronic nature of wide-spread global
Stephen Harrell-Bond,
Oxford, 14 December 2023, *1 s.harrell.bond@gmail.com, (0044) 07903960096